

11 September 2023 - 15 October 2023

A hot house is an environment that encourages growth and development. Join ours for a 5 week body spring clean!

Attend 3x Hot Hiit Pilates classes each week for five consecutive weeks.

Email for an information pack.

The cost

You join the challenge by purchasing a the Hot House pass for $250.

The dates

The pass starts on Monday 11 September and finishes on Sunday 15 October 2023.

The class times

Monday 6.15pm

Wednesday 6.45am

Thursday 6pm

Saturday 9.30am

Sunday 10am

To complete the challenge you need to attend three of the above classes (but your pass will enable you to attend ALL of them if you want too, as well as any of the other classes on the wider schedule!)

What’s included

It’s an unlimited pass meaning you can attend as many classes on the schedule as you like (Bikram, Yin and Hiit!) but to achieve the challenge you must attend 3x Hot Hiit classes each week.

We’ve added three extra Hot Hiit classes to the schedule for the 5 week period so you have plenty of options to choose from.

At some point during the classes in Week 1, Week 3 and Week 5 you will do 6 minutes worth of “Minute Markers” so you can track your development. You will take note of how many burpees you can do in 1 minute, how many sit ups you can do in 1 minute, how many mountain climbers you can do in 1 minute and how many crunches you can do in 1 minute. This gives you your base line, with a goal to improve that number over the 5 week period.

There will be sticker charts up at the studio so you can mark your attendance….nothing like a sticker chart to motivate!

We will ask you to share a few of your favourite songs with fast tempos that are fun to workout to - we will add them to a play list!

Sign me up!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Hot Hiit Pilates?

It is high intensity interval training done in the heat. Think, mountain climbers, push ups, squats, lunges…. We use the Tabata method which means we do the exercise for 20 seconds, rest for 10, on for 20, off for 10. This is repeated for 8 sets. We do exercises for your abdominals, upper body, lower body, cardio - full body work out. Then we finish with a savasana to calm your body and your heart rate down. The best thing about Hot Hiit, is that your body continues to burn calories for a long time after you finish the work out!

Can I do the challenge if I have never done this sort of thing before?

Of course! That would be brilliant! Our instructors demonstrate the exercises before you do them and will give you modifications if you need something less intense or more challenging. This challenge is perfect for someone new to exercise through to someone more advanced.

Which classes do I have to go to?

You need to attend three Hot Hiit classes each week to achieve the challenge. You decide which three classes you attend. You are also very welcome to attend any other classes on the schedule; whether they are Bikram yoga, Yin yoga or Hiit Pilates!

Do I need to book to come to a class?

No. Just turn up. Doors open 15 mins before the start of a Hiit class and they close to the public about 1 minute before class starts. Please arrive on time as there is no way to join the class once it has begun. Some people like booking into classes as it helps motivate them to get to class - you are welcome to book in via Mindbody if you want too!

What equipment do I need?

A yoga mat, a large towel (to soak up your sweat) that goes on your yoga mat and your drink bottle. That’s it! You are able to hire mats and towels at the studio for $2 each. You can also purchase mats ($39.99) and yoga towels ($35) at the studio. Yoga towels are the length of your mat with a not slip back that keeps the towel in place on your mat.

Coconut waters ($4) and bottled water ($2) is available to purchase at the studio, plus there is a filtered water fountain to refill your water bottles.

Wear you normal exercise gear and have your feet bare. Check out out “new students” section on the website for more information.

Can I do the challenge if I already have a valid pass at the studio?

Sure! Chat to the Studio Owner about how to make that happen.

What if I am sick during the challenge?

Sickness is one of those things that can’t be anticipated! There is no prize for this challenge, so if you are sick and miss a class or two, try and make it up the next week!

Can I get a refund or an extension if I don’t finish or change my mind?

The pass is only valid from 11 September 2023 - 15 October 2023. Please be 100% sure of your commitment to the challenge before you purchase the pass as there are no refunds and no extensions.



Sometimes our yogi’s need access to forms and information. This is our spot where we keep forms that they may need.

Six week challenge: